Aaron Russak, DC

"More Knowledge = More Power to Help Patients Long Term."

Growing up in a family of Chiropractors, Dr. Russak realized at an early age there was more to Chiropractic than the simplistic approach followed by most in the field. Early in undergraduate studies at the University of Vermont he found himself needing continuous Chiropractic adjusting that made him question why he always needed the same care. He often wondered, “Why did that adjustment not hold?" This conundrum stuck with him and fueled his desire to further his understanding in true wellness care.

During graduate studies at Life Chiropractic College he was involved in learning many of the basic techniques but found them to adhere to the same “accepted” dogma of always needing “the adjustment." One particular technique struck a chord with him and clarified why the typical approaches simply didn’t provide a long term solution. Applied Kinesiology solved his skepticism by putting all the missing pieces together. This approach went far beyond the basic model set forth by standard chiropractic. It involved the chemical and emotional sides of health along with the structural. With this he began to figure out his own issues and hence began his journey. This focus jump-started his career working with supplementation including herbal and homeopathic products to help his patients to a degree that the constant adjusting is un-necessary. To date Dr. Russak has completed thousands of hours outside of Chiropractic College learning many innovative strategies to further his quest in true health care.

Personally he has a wonderful wife of 11 years and two wonderful boys. His family walks the walk and lives the lifestyle of health and wellness. For he and his family Innovative Chiropractic Solutions is not simply a business but a way of life.



Every Chiropractor in the state of Tennessee is required to obtain twenty-four CEUs [Continuing Education Units] per year, in order to practice Chiropractic medicine. Dr. Russak often exceeds the annual requirements due to his passion to learn more ways to help his patients.

  • University of VT
  • Life Chiropractic College
  • National Board of Chiropractic Examiners 1995


  • Applied Kinesiology
  • Thompson Technique
  • Gonstead Technique
  • Activator Technique
  • Pierce Technique
  • Sacro Occipital Technique.
  • Functional Medicine/Clinical Nutrition [in progress]